



Books and Monographs

Disarming Conflict: Why peace cannot be won on the battlefield, Between the Lines, 2015.

Canada and the Arms Trade Treaty, Behind the Headlines (Volume 64, Number 6), The Canadian Institute of International Affairs/The Centre for International Governance Innovation, 2007.

The Road to Peace, co-editor with Simon Rosenblum, James Lorimer and Company, 1988.

Arms Canada: The Deadly Business of Military Exports, James Lorimer and Company, 1987. 

Canada and the Nuclear Arms Race, co-editor with Simon Rosenblum, James Lorimer and Company, 1983.

Militarism and the World Military Order, World Council of Churches, 1980.

Perceptions of Apartheid: The churches and political change in South Africa, Between the Lines, 1978.

Making a Killing: Canada‘s Arms Industry, McClelland and Stewart, 1975.


Selected Articles (op-eds section below)

“Global Insider: India-Canada Relations,” World Politics Review, July 19, 2010.

“Nuclear Disarmament: Building a Conducive Environment,” Canada Among Nations 2009-2010: As Others See Us, Eds. Fen Osler Hampson and Paul Heinbecker (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2010.

“New Terms for a Common Understanding of De-Alerting: Launch Before or After Nuclear Detonation,” by Stephen Starr, Com. Rob Green, Ernie Regehr, Col. Valery Yarynich, Robin Collins. East West Institute, October 2009.

“The Security Council,” The United Nations and Nuclear Orders. Eds. Jane Boulden, Ramesh Thakur and Thomas G. Weiss. United Nations University Press. 2009.

“The Bridge From War to Peace in Afghanistan,” Rhubarb Magazine, Summer 2009, pp. 17-20.

“Questions About Canada’s Automatic Weapons Gift to Afghanistan, Peace Projections, Vol. 24, No.1 (March 2008). Project Peacemakers.

“Thoughts on peace, from a messy dorm room,” CCG Mobile Justice (Christian Reformed Church, December 2008).

“Failed States and the Limits to Force: The Challenge of Afghanistan,” Fragile States or Failing Development? Canadian Development Report 2008, North South Institute.2008, pp. 1-20.

“India and the Obligations of Nuclear Weapon States,” Canadian Policy on Nuclear Cooperation with India: Confronting New Dilemmas, eds. Karthika Sasikumar and Wade L. Huntley (Simons Centre for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Research, 2007), Lie Institute for Global Issues, University of British Columbia.

“Afghanistan: Canada is ignoring its own advice,” Inroads (Winter/Spring 2007).

“A Desirable Human Condition,” Au Courant (Canadian Council for International Cooperation, Spring 2006).

“An Exception to the Rule? The US-India Nuclear Cooperation Deal and Non-Proliferation Risks,” Nuclear Cooperation with India: New Challenges; New Opportunities, eds. Wade L. Huntley and Karthika Sasikumar (The Simons Centre for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Research, 2006), pp. 13-17.

“Reshaping the security envelope,” International Journal, Autumn 2005.

“From Abolition to Retention? The Morning After the failed NPT Review Conference,” SITREP (Royal Canadian Military Institute, September/October 2005).

“Failure to Meet the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Challenge,” Commentary (Royal Canadian Military Institute, July 2005).

The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: Rebuilding Confidence, (Resolving the Contradictions between NATO Doctrine and NPT Demands), Blackaby Paper No. 6, April 2005 (Abolition 2000), 18pp.

“Commentary: the threefold dilemma of R2P,” The Responsibility to Protect: Ethical and Theological Reflections, eds. Semegnish Asfaw, Guillermo Kerber, and Peter Weiderud (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 2005), pp. 17-18.

“Commentary: the threefold dilemma of R2P,” The Responsibility to Protect: Ethical and Theological Reflections, eds. Semegnish Asfaw, Guillermo Kerber, and Peter Weiderud (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 2005), pp. 105-107

“Culpable Non-Violence: the moral ambiguity of pacifism,” Voices Across Boundaries, Summer 2003.

“BMD promotes war in space – and Canada is only needed for political optics,” Straightgoods, May 6, 2003.

“There’s not enough evidence to justify war,” Straightgoods, February 20, 2003.

“Guideposts for our response to terror,” Canadian Mennonite, October 2001.

“Small arms, worldwide,” The Observer, September 2001.

“Small Arms and Light Weapons: A Global Humanitarian Challenge,” Au Courant, Canadian Council for International Cooperation, May 2001. 

“Defence and Human Security,” Perspectives on Human Security, ed. M.V. Naidu, Canadian Peace Research and Education Association, 2001, pp. 43-54.

“Small Arms: Testing the Peacebuilding Paradigm,” Canada Among Nations: A Big League Player? eds. Fen Osler Hampson, Michael Hart, and Martin Rudner, Oxford University Press, 1999, pp. 253-273.

“When intervention does not equal protection,” Mondial (World Federalists), June 1999.

“The issue is not whether to be engaged in Kosovo, but how,” Christian Week, April 27, 1999.

“On the Road to Peace,” Au Courant (Canadian Council for International Cooperation), 1998.

“Militarizing Despair: the politics of small arms,” New Routes (Life and Peace Institute, Sweden), December 1997.

“Civil Wars: Promoting Internal Dialogue and Public Engagement in the Horn of Africa,” Interaction (The Network: Interaction for Conflict Resolution), Summer 1997.

“War and Chaos: Which Comes First?” Compass, January/February 1997.

“Canadian Military Export Controls,” Project on Light Weapons, British American Security Information Council, August 23, 1996.

“Project Ploughshares,” Coalitions for Justice, eds. Christopher Lind and Joe Mihevc, Novalis, 1994.

“The Future of Peacekeeping,” ed. Alex Morrison, The Changing Face of Peacekeeping, The Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies, 1993, pp. 27-37.

“Talking to ourselves,” Talking to Government, Mennonite Central Committee Peace Office Newsletter, Sept.-Oct. 1993.

“Defense dollars, The Way I See It,” Canada Lutheran, July/August 1993.

“War After the Cold War: Shaping a Canadian Response,” Canadian Foreign Policy, Spring 1993.

“The United Nations Arms Register,” The Arms Trade Today: Arms Transfers and Proliferation, World Council of Churches Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, 1993, pp. 143-157.

“Commentaries,” International Control of the Arms Trade, Oxford Research Group Current Decisions Report, Number 8, April 1992.

“United Nations Conference on Environment and Development: Militarism should be on UNCED’s Agenda,” SANA (Australian Scientists for Peace publication), April 1992.

“Toxic Militarism Should be on UNCED’s Agenda,” Disarmament Times, March 1992.

“The Budget, National Defence and Priorities for Security Spending,” Ottawa Citizen, February 23, 1992.

“Conflict will persist, but war doesn’t have to,” Compass, January/February 1992.

“Canada Prods United States on Arms Sales,” Arms Control Today (Arms Control Association, Washington), June 1991.

“The Gulf War: An exercise in world order management,” Catholic New Times, May 12, 1991.

“Giving the Arms Trade a Bad Name,” This Magazine, May 1991.

“Canadian Defence Policy,” Debating Canada’s Future: Views from the Left, ed. Simon Rosenblum and Peter Findlay (James Lorimer and Co., 1991), pp. 281-300.

“Owning up to Canadian Arms Sales,” Catholic New Times, April 14, 1991.

“Besides, we need the business,” This Magazine, August 1991.

“No Way to Run a World,” Compass, January 1991.

“Calling in the Army,” The Mustard Seed (CCODP Newsletter), October/November 1990.

“Sailing to Iraq,” Canadian Forum, October 1990.

“Trends in the Arms Trade,” Barometer, The Arms Control Centre, Summer 1990.


Selected Op-eds

“Eisenhower told the future,” The Record, 14 January 2011.

“Since we can’t beat the Taliban, focus on reconciliation,” The Globe and Mail, November 19, 2010.

“Finally, we’re all talking about talking to the Taliban,” Embassy, November 10, 2010.

“Nuclear disarmament can be a messy business,” Waterloo Region Record, November 9, 2010.

“India must agree to nuclear restraints,” Waterloo Region Record, July 7, 2010

“Assuring we don’t help India build nukes,” Embassy, July 7, 2010

“No heaven, farther from nuclear hell,” by Douglas Roche and Ernie Regehr, Embassy, June 2, 2010.

“Negotiations inevitable in Afghanistan,” Waterloo Region Record, October 29, 2009.

“Revisiting, and Reviving, the R2P,” Embassy, July 22, 2009.

“Nuclear accountants back in business,” Waterloo Region Record, July 11, 2009.

“Responding to North Korea’s Nuclear Brinkmanship,” June 10, 2009.

“The nuclear puzzle: Obama is looking for a new policy on Iran,” Waterloo Region Record. May 4, 2009.

“The nuclear puzzle: Obama is looking for a new policy on Iran,” Guelph Mercury, May 4, 2009.

“NATO Summit: A Chance to Kick the Nuclear Habit,” Embassy, February 18, 2009.

“Canada must go slow on nuclear deal with India,” The Record, February 13, 2009.

“Conditioning Nuclear Co-operation with India,” Embassy, January 7, 2009.

“Principle, or pragmatism?, The Record, August 20, 2008.

“Getting a Non-Proliferation Payoff from India,” Embassy, August 13, 2008.

“Making peace in Afghanistan,” The Record, July 12, 2008.

“Iran closer to compromise on its uranium enrichment,” The Toronto Star, July 7, 2008

“Reviving Canada’s Lead on Nuclear Disarmament,” Embassy (with Douglas Roche), April 9, 2008.

“Afghan Mission Motion Misses Three Key Issues,” Embassy, March 5, 2008.

“Our tactics in Afghanistan must change,” The Record, February 29, 2008.

“Making the world more dangerous,” The Record, January 26, 2008.

:Making the case for a negotiated peace,” The Record, October 3, 2007.

“A Nuclear Disarmament Agenda for Canada,” Embassy, May 30, 2007.

“Canada must speak out on pact with India,” The Record, May 23, 2007.

“Iran should be allowed to enrich uranium,” K-W Record, March 10, 2007.

“Canada in Afghanistan: What’s missing in the Senate Report,” Toronto Star, February 14, 2007.

“Nuclear States Will Increase,” Sudbury Star, January 11, 2007.

“How the West undermines nuclear non-proliferation,” Owen Sound Sun Times, December 20, 2006.

“How the West undermines nuclear non-proliferation,” Niagara Falls Review, December 15, 2006.

“Afghans’ interests must come first,” The Record, December 5, 2006.

“Mix of incentives, threats needed for North Korea,” Sudbury Star, November 21, 2006.

“A third option in Afghanistan,” Owen Sound Sun Times, November 14, 2006.

“Is there a third option in Afghanistan – move troops north?” Sault Star, October 25, 2006.

“Another Afghan Option,” Peterborough Examiner, October 24, 2006.

“Third option best course for Afghanistan’s future,” Sudbury Star, October 24, 2006.

“Third Way’ to end Afghanistan mission worthy of study,” Belleville Intelligencer, October 21, 2006.

“Only negotiation will end war with Taliban,” The Record, September 21, 2006.

Letter on negotiating with the Taliban, The Globe and Mail, September 7, 2006.

“Only negotiation will end war with Taliban,” The Record, September 21, 2006.

“Time to cool nuclear weapon rhetoric,” Northern News (Kirkland Lake), May 3, 2006.

“U.S. made pledge,” The Toronto Star, May 2, 2006.

“Resolving the Iran Nuclear Crisis,” Pembroke Daily Observer, April 28, 2006.

“Time to cool nuclear weapon rhetoric,” Northern News (Kirkland Lake), April 26, 2006.

“Diplomacy, not threats, needed to solve Iran nuclear situation,” The Barrie Examiner, April 26, 2006.

“Diplomacy, not threats, is the key to resolving Iran nuclear crisis,” The Record, April 22, 2006.

“NORAD on the verge of an overhaul,” St. Catherines Standard, April 4, 2006.

“Rethinking North American Security Cooperation,” The Sarnia Observer, March 30, 2006.

“Defeating Afghan insurgency…” The Sudbury Star, March 11, 2006.

“NORAD agreement is out of date,” The Record, March 9, 2006.

“Peacekeeping vs. combat,” Chatham Daily News, March 8, 2006.

“NORAD: Web Comment,”, February 23, 2006.

“Building peace is better than crushing an insurgency,” The Record, January 27, 2006.

“U.S. may abandon defence system it wanted us to endorse,” The Record, November 25, 2005.

“It’s a bad year for nuclear disarmament,” The Record, October 26, 2005.

“U.S. tries to water down UN ‘right to protection’ reform,” The Record, September 8, 2005.

“Cherrypicking nuclear policy is dangerous: Canada should oppose U.S. plans for nuclear cooperation with India,” The Record, August 30, 2005.

“Inspections curb Iraqi threat,” The Record, February 28, 2003.

“There’s not enough evidence to justify war,” The Record, February 6, 2003.

“Libre opinion: Irak donnons tous les faits au Conseil de sécurité,” with Gerry Barr, Le Devoir, February 5, 2003.

“War on Iraq won’t fix regional woes,” with Karen Hamilton, Toronto Star, January 24, 2003.

“War isn’t the only solution,” The Record, January 21, 2003.

“Security doesn’t mean soldiers,” The Record, December 10, 2002.

“Beefing up military alone won’t buy us security,” Toronto Star, November 22, 2002.

“Several countries need to disarm,” The Record, September 30, 2002.

“Canada must resist U.S. nuclear plans,” The Record, March 21, 2002.

“No one should confuse retaliation with realism,” The Record, October 4, 2001.

“No defence for missile defence,” National Post, April 4, 2000.

“Drilling for a corporate conscience,” Globe and Mail, March 20, 2000.

“War & the church,” Ottawa Citizen, December 19, 1999.

“NATO should negotiate, not attack,” The Record, April 17, 1999.

“Nuclear proliferation or prohibition: the choice is clear,” Catholic New Times, February 28, 1999.

“Let’s rethink policy, economic sanctions and military attacks have backfired in Iraq,” The Record, November 20, 1998.

“Keeping the promise of peace,” London Free Press, November 7, 1998.

“Impotence and outrage not enough of a response to terrorism,” Catholic New Times, September 13, 1998.

“The Changing Face of War,” Toronto Star, January 2, 1994.

“Sudanese caught in a relentless crossfire,” Toronto Star, November 10, 1993.

“Merchants of Death (Canada) Ltd.,” Toronto Star, June 2, 1993.

“World in flames: with nuclear arsenals trimmed, conventional war escalates,” The Record, January 20, 1993.

“Armed Conflicts 1993,” Toronto Star, January 2, 1993.

“Highlight diplomacy: Military force isn’t the only way to stop world atrocities,” The Record, September 9, 1992.

“Guns before Butter: First World States are the largest weapons producers,” The Record, May 28, 1992.

“L’étalement de la guerre,” Option Paix, 1992.

“Military outranks all other polluters,” Toronto Star, April 10, 1992.

“Death of a think-tank: This is not the time to disband an institution for peace,” The Record, April 1, 1992.

“A major flaw in G-7’s arms sale registry,” Toronto Star, August 5, 1991.

“Selling arms but talking Gulf Peace,” Ottawa Citizen, August 1, 1991.

“Canadian cabinet ministers fuel political cynicism,” Catholic New Times, July 7, 1991.

“Clark doesn’t show ‘sensitivity’ if Canadian arms sales at stake,” The Record, April 12, 1991.

“War preparations leave dialogue out in the cold,” The Record, December 6, 1990.

“Forgotten dream:  Nuclear disarmament drive is stalled again,” The Record, November 19, 1990.

“The limits and consequences of arms sales,” Toronto Star, August 15, 1990.

“War against pollution would be a lesson on peace,” The Record, May 4, 1990.

“Should Canadians worry about Fort Drum,” Toronto Star, May 3, 1990.